16 November 2008

Living in abandoned trailers.

Yeah, so I miss being at burning man alot. So what? (Inside joke)

For this, my most recent photographic event, I made two whole rolls of film! (See how hard I'm trying to use non-violent oriented photographic language? It's hard. But Sapir-Wharf hypothesis, you know?)
My latest location actually offered me two subjects of environment. . .

Working backwards, these were taken in/around an abandoned trailer found in my latest location.

This frame will probably not make the final cut but it gives you an idea of the environment.

I really like this one. The lighting is dramatic. And it creeps Eva out. Always a good sign when photography makes someone shudder.

Eva liked all the layers in this one, the reflection in the window, the mountains in the distance seen through the door. It's something I probably wouldn't have thought about but I like it too. I also like that I'm looking at you. Creepy.

Much thanks to Jeri for telling me about this location. For those of you who haven't already, please note the "how can I help Amanda make photographs?" side bar on my blog.

I'm thinking of basing my thesis exhibition on ideas surrounding the theme of houses and home. Title: Living in abandoned houses. OR: Living in abandoned houses (ideas of home). Or something artsy like that.

That's the first installment from these rolls/location. Next time: the leftovers of the burn. . .

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