On my most recent photo trip I travelled to the historic Colver house in Phoenix. At that point I only knew that I had passed by a partially burnt down house while driving through with a friend. I rode the bus. I didn't know exactly where to stop in order to find it. Finally I got off and turned around. It started raining. I got on the bus in the other direction. Finally I found it.

Upon arrival I noticed a behemoth and unsightly chain link fence. This was apparently a new addition since I had last driven by (either that or I am extremely unobservant). A hitch in my plans. I walked back and forth, circled the block, thoroughly confusing the workers at the autoshop next door. No back entrance was to be found. I contemplated climbing the fence. My demure nature prevailed. I made the compromise of framing the shots so I could get the house in the background, but not the fence. Did I mention I was in costume?

Thus I completed my roll of film. Rode the bus back to Ashland. Day of photography successfully completed.
Then I found this news story a few days later.
Intriguing. Here is an old shot of the Colver house:
Pretty beautiful, right? Yeah.
So we'll see where this story takes me. Until next time, y'all.
All Photographs (except black and white) copyright Amanda Ball 2008.
Awesome, Amanda!! Or should that be AwesomeAmanda! Delighted you're doing this.
Wow honey, you are so talented and I am very proud of you.
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