Black and white certainly is romantic. I love it, it makes me excited to look at it, to do it, to make it come from my own hands. I just don't know if it's what I'm doing right now. . .
These are what I was messing around doing while waiting for my film to dry. . . they are all scans of prints from color negatives edited in photoshop.
Today I developed black and white film for the first time in. . . over a year. Yeah, over a year. I've never been good at the putting film on to the reel part, so naturally I was nervous about my year hiatus, but it went a lot better than I thought it would. Also the instructions for developing black and white have changed (like they wanted me to rinse with water instead of using stop bath. wtf?) so I had to sort of. . . go from memory on parts of it. And getting the water to the right temperature has always been a problem in that lab. And none of the thermometers are calibrated correctly.
However, despite all those slight caveats, I think my film turned out really well. I made it all the way back over thanksgiving weekend, you can see the series I did in color of that location here. The ones of the bathroom look like they turned out cool. And I also took some of me sitting in my apartment, with some pretty dramatic light coming in through the slats in my blinds. So those might turn out well. I really wanted to wait for them to dry and develop them right away, but started sneezing really badly and otherwise feeling sick so I had to go. Oh well. Anyway I am excited for it.
Probably going to be the postcard for my show. The dates are April 27 to May 22, opening reception Thursday April 30. If you want me to send you a show announcement postcard, send me your address. . . I'm going to try to get them out in the beginning of March.
In other news, Barack Obama is President!!
"With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
I crawled under it. . . (wicked witch of the east, anyone?)
. . .and into it. . .
Towards the end I was trying to just snap off context frames so I could finish my roll of film, but I kept noticing frames that looked so cool I couldn't pass them up! So this is one of those.
All in all this was a most excellent location, a wonderful photographic event for me! I can't help feeling like these are getting better, although I guess the real test will be when I print them in 16 x 20 myself. . . which will hopefully only lead to better print quality, more control over color, etc. Which reminds me I need to research what kind of filters hoper needs.
Thanks again to Mysha for pointing this location out, Jared for driving me out there, and Maia and Chesaer for waiting patiently in the car. And remember, when you're driving by that old abandoned building. . . think of me. . .