04 November 2009
04 April 2009
Punta Umbria, Andalucia, Spain

I'd been waiting to get into a fireplace for a while. Dreams really do come true.

The cieling was amazing.

Hiding from the sunset.
I had hoped I would find some broken down places to photograph in Spain, and I did. . . unfortunately this was the only one I took advantage of. There were many more that I saw but had to pass by because of time/transportation constraints. I saw them everywhere, in Andalucia, and along the coast between Barcelona and Premia Mar. I was only lucky enough to stop at this one because Richard's friend Rafa was driving us. So much thanks to Rafa as well! Next time I'm in Spain I'll have to make more time to make photographs. These are ok, but they could be much stronger. Next time I'm in Spain I'll hopefully be there for a lot longer. . .
01 March 2009
23 February 2009
It's a happy enchilada and you think you're gonna drown.
Yesterday Eva and Dustin and I explored the Gold Hill area, and found this awesome location. Thanks to Eva for suggesting this photo expedition and Dustin for having so many great ideas in mind and driving us there. . .

Thanks Eva and Dustin!
There's more from this day, a roll I haven't finished plus some other places we explored, although this was by far the best location that day. I will probably post some more plus a couple outtakes in another entry. . . Eva of course took some pictures as well so I will post a link to her blog when she posts them (although you can always access her blog, Eye Wonder, from my sidebar, "Other Photo Blogs")
11 February 2009
O'er near exit 19

My lovely driver Tia took me out to a roofless house near exit 19. It was a sunny day. She read in the grass while I performed/made photographs in the space. The melodic beep of my camera's self timer lulled her off to sleep.
The space I found was excellent. I interacted with it. This is what came of it.

I am beginning to think of billing myself as a "performance artist." The longer I spend as an art student the more I become accustomed to the fact that an artist is as much the persona he or she projects as the work he/she does. I don't want to go as far as Warhol, but I recognize how I market my working methods are at least as important as the work created. That is, if I ever want to depend on my art for my income, which I don't necesarily want to do. That being said, I do perform in these spaces. The more I am asked about my working methods the more I find that it is true. I find so much inspiration from the space, it is literally an elated feeling, because I know the most intriguing spaces yield the most compelling results, the most compelling photographs. I find myself drawn to perform in the space, yet only in the most ambiguous of ways, and sometimes hinting at a narrative, walking through the frame or gazing into the distance. Other times I perform strange or banal actions, seemingly meaningless, perhaps symbolic but not determinably so. I am often hiding, sometimes I seem dead.

06 February 2009
Annihilating with light.

So I had made multiple plans this past weekend to photograph in different locations, but unfortunately due to circumstances uncontrollable by everyone, these all fell through. Hopefully tomorrow I'm going to go out and make it to some strong locations, the environments I photograph in seem to be the key to making the strongest photographs. There is more to work with, less to work around, and the more excited and intrigued by the environment the more energy I have, or the more "creative" I get. "Creative" in quotes because my art history professor hates that word. . .
This last shot is probably the only one I will end up using from this series, if any. I will definitley crop it tighter around the figure, though. It's hard to see this small but the light coming in from the right on the shoulder is quite lovely.
27 January 2009
Contact Sheet
23 January 2009
photoshop madness
These are what I was messing around doing while waiting for my film to dry. . . they are all scans of prints from color negatives edited in photoshop.
Today I developed black and white film for the first time in. . . over a year. Yeah, over a year. I've never been good at the putting film on to the reel part, so naturally I was nervous about my year hiatus, but it went a lot better than I thought it would. Also the instructions for developing black and white have changed (like they wanted me to rinse with water instead of using stop bath. wtf?) so I had to sort of. . . go from memory on parts of it. And getting the water to the right temperature has always been a problem in that lab. And none of the thermometers are calibrated correctly.
However, despite all those slight caveats, I think my film turned out really well. I made it all the way back over thanksgiving weekend, you can see the series I did in color of that location here. The ones of the bathroom look like they turned out cool. And I also took some of me sitting in my apartment, with some pretty dramatic light coming in through the slats in my blinds. So those might turn out well. I really wanted to wait for them to dry and develop them right away, but started sneezing really badly and otherwise feeling sick so I had to go. Oh well. Anyway I am excited for it.